SortableJS / ngx-sortablejs

Angular 2+ binding to SortableJS. Previously known as angular-sortablejs

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Issue while dragging the item.

vanshajrai09 opened this issue · comments

Issue while dragging the item.

Used Sortablejs in one of the module, where i have provided the functionality of Manage widget, functionality wise, while i am dragging the list item from the manage widget, the associated widget should get change the position.

Issue : In the module, i have two size of widgets (small and large), While placing small widget next to large one, it is taking by default height and cause white space.

Expectation : Small widgets which is next to large, it should get auto adjust the empty space and other small widget should get placed up in the empty space.

Refer screenshots : SS

@vanshajrai09 I think that might be sortablejs's problem, not this repository