Sonelli / juicessh-performancemonitor

A JuiceSSH plugin for monitoring linux servers

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does not display any info when SSH port number is not 22 or is forwarded

frederickjh opened this issue · comments

I have a number of servers that are the same operating system, however on servers that the ssh port number is not 22 I never get any information on the display. I also have one system where the outside port is forwarded to 22 on the server where I do not get any information on the display. The connection is may OK and will stay up fine but I never get any info on these servers, just -- in the display.

I am not a java coder, but I poked a bit around the code. However I could not figure out where the handling of port number is in the code. Maybe this is using a library. It seems that something is not handling the port numbers correctly. I originally posted a comment in issue #38, but that issue seems to be a magnet for anyone not getting information on the display and could be multiple issues.

I am willing to help debug this issue. Just let me know how I can help. I would code if I understood Java but it does not happen to be a language I have much knowledge about.

I will try and change the one server's ssh port number to 22 (that I have super user access to) to see if it then works or not.

Issue #37 seems to also be related.

I just installed this and connected to my Ubuntu 16.04 server via SSH (port 22) and it is all completely blank

@jdchandler If you were using port 22 then I am not sure why you chose to post in this issue. It is related to connections NOT on port 22. Take a look at issues #38 or #37 and see if they better relate to your issue.

I can have the same issue with ubuntu 16.04 but it does work for my debian 9, rapsberry and ubuntu 17.04 but unfortunately ububtub16.04 is blanc without any information. I wonder if there is some security setting on 16.04 as it is LTS .