SondagesPro / LS-sendMailAjax

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500 error when activating plugin

jacestk opened this issue · comments

When cliking on "activate" in pligin menu, I got a 500 error:

Erreur interne du serveur
CClientScript and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "hasPackage".

Une erreur interne est apparue lorsque le serveur web traitait votre requete. Veuillez contacter the webmaster pour signaler ce problème.


LimeSurvey Version 2.50.1+160823
PHP 5.4
Apache 2.4
CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)

The problem seems to come from hasPackage() method for line 484

For 2.50 : maybe you can test with . I make a realease 'legacy' for this.

Else : the it's OK on last LimeSurvey version (2.73 too).