SonarSource / eslint-plugin-sonarjs

SonarJS rules for ESLint

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no-duplicate-string shouldn't be triggered by i18next's t function calls

Thanaen opened this issue · comments

I want to provide the following feedback.
When using the i18next library to localize texts, we call a function, named 't', with a string as parameter.

For example:

const helloMessage = i18next.t('messages.hello');

With SonarJS, if a single file calls this 't' function three times with the same parameter, it gets reported as a duplicate string.
While this is technically correct, it doesn't seem to make sense to create a constant for such a case.

What do you think about it?
Would it be possible to "whitelist" i18next's 't' calls in a reliable way? Or is it better to simply eslint-ignore those cases?

eslint-plugin-sonarjs version: 0.10.0

eslint version: 7.32.0

Node.js version: 14.18.0

Rule key: no-duplicate-string

Had the same issue and even after spending a lot of time, could not find a solution that I'd be happy about, but here's what I did for now:

Created a single object to hold all the keys, and refer to the object wherever required.

// keys.js
export const content= {
   messages: {
     hello: "messages.hello",

// Somefile.js
import { messages } from "keys"

const helloMessage = i18next.t(messages.hello);

With Typescript, I did the following to make it safer against mistyped keys.

import en from './en.json';  // JSON with message strings

type LanguageKey = keyof typeof en 

// This is a conveneince function to prevent accidentally typing wrong keys, and will throw a type error in that case
export const k = (key: LanguageKey) => key;

export const content= {
   messages: {
     hello: k("messages.hello"),
     // hello: k("messages.halo")  will throw error if the mistyped key 'halo' is not there in the file 
} as const;

This issue has been migrated to Jira. ESLINTJS-15