Somelauw / evil-org-mode

Supplemental evil-mode keybindings to emacs org-mode

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Incorrect `evil-org-delete` behaviour when using the `f<SPC>` suffix

polaris64 opened this issue · comments

This issue was identified in Doom Emacs which uses instead. However I am duplicating the issue here in case it is a problem with this upstream repo.

Original issue description: -

When in a non-org buffer such as a fundamental buffer and using df<SPC> to delete up to and including the next space character, everything works as expected and in the same way that Vim works. However when in an Org mode buffer, using the same sequence deletes everything up to but not including the next space character.

Please note that df<SPC> denotes the sequence df followed by a press of the space bar.

As an example, consider the following sentence, where the pipe symbols denote the current point (on the letter "a"):

This is |a|n example.

If this is a non-org buffer then the result of df<SPC> will be:

This is example.

However doing exactly the same in an Org mode buffer produces:

This is  example.

(note the two spaces after "is").

This appears to be an issue with evil-org-delete which is not present in the base evil-delete.

I just tried creating an empty file having just:

This is |a|n example

And for me df<SPC> does produce:

This is |e|xample

evil-org-delete often falls back on standard evil-delete, but has special behaviour in certain contexts.

Was that in an org-mode buffer? For me I get the extra space only under certain circumstances (such as that) which seems to be incorrect behaviour to me.