SmileyChris / easy-thumbnails

Easy thumbnails for Django

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svglib dependency is missing

MacLake opened this issue · comments

After updating my project with pip-compile and pip-sync easy-thumbnails is bumped to 2.8.2 and svglib removed:

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
     # via
     #   -r
     #   aldryn-people
-    # via easy-thumbnails

This leads to an error because in VIL/ there’s an import from svglib:

  File "/home/jens/.virtualenvs/djangocms3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/easy_thumbnails/VIL/", line 10, in <module>
    from svglib.svglib import svg2rlg
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'svglib'

Adding svglib to and running pip-compile && pip-sync fixes the problem, but the dependencies in easy-thumbnails should be fixed.

Some users of easy-thumbnails complained, that they do not need SVG support and thus don't want to pull in the extra dependency reportlabs. Therefore this feature is optional. You can install pip install easy-thumbnails[svg] to fetch that extra dependencies.

We have the same problem. reportlab and svglib are missing. My workaround is to add these to the requirements file of my project:


Instead you should just add


to your requirements.txt file.

(I'd suggest if we're changing core requirements / making breaking changes in the future, we use a major version bump)


I'm getting a missing dep error with a fresh install of 2.8.2; pip install easy-thumbnails (not using the [svg] option).

django.template.library.InvalidTemplateLibrary: Invalid template library specified. ImportError raised when trying to load 'easy_thumbnails.templatetags.easy_thumbnails_tags': No module named 'reportlab'

simply trying to render a template manually;

<img src="{% thumbnail mymodel.image 50x50 crop %}" />

This is from following the README. When i pip install easy-thumbnails[svg] its working just fine.

Some users of easy-thumbnails complained, that they do not need SVG support and thus don't want to pull in the extra dependency reportlabs. Therefore this feature is optional.

Ok, Jacob, but now even ./ check fails unless svglib is installed because of the import in VIL/

My bad for not having properly checked whether everything works without svglib installed when implementing #597. Will be hopefully fixed by #603.

(I do agree this should have been shipped in a semver-minor, not a semver-patch release.)

So this should be fixed by upgrading to 2.8.3. Sorry again :)


Thx budy, much love to the OS maintainers round the world!