SmileyChris / easy-images

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Easy Images

Easy images for Django.

Processes a source image via a dictionary of options. For example, the following dictionary would resize the source image down and crop it to output a 64x64 image:

{'crop': (64, 64)}

Usage with Aliases

To make it easier to manage the different option dictionaries, it is recommended to define aliases that you can use to centralize all the image generation options in a single place.

In your settings:

    'ALIASES': {
        'smallbox': {'crop': (32, 32), 'upscale': True},

Then to generate thumbs in a Django template just use:

<img src="{% image person.avatar alias 'smallbox' %}" alt="">

Or in Python, use:

from easy_images.aliases import aliases
from easy_images.images import EasyImage
EasyImage('some/file', aliases.get('smallbox')).generate()

See docs for details.



Language:Python 100.0%