SmartThingsCommunity / SmartThingsEdgeDrivers

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Add `device_network_id` field to type definition.

cmsong-shina opened this issue · comments

There is warning about Undefined field device_network_id with Lua Diagnostics.
How about add that?


-- Device definition
--- @class st.Device
--- A device object contains all of the information we have about a given device that is set to be managed by this
--- driver.  It also provides a number of utility functions that make normal operations for dealing with devices
--- simpler.
--- @field public transient_store table ...
--- @field public persistent_store table ...
--- @field public st_store table ...
--- @field public state_cache table ...
--- @field public thread st.thread.Thread ...
--- @field public device_network_id string Unique identifier specific for this device. <------- THIS LINE