slinso / goTemplateBenchmark

comparing the performance of different template engines

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comparing the performance of different template engines

full featured template engines

precompilation to Go code

special benchmarks for comparison

  • Go text/template (do not use this for HTML)
  • StaticString - Use one static string for the whole Template to have a base time
  • DirectBuffer - Use go to write the HTML by hand to the buffer

transpiling to Go Template

  • Damsel I won't benchmark transpiling engines, because transpilation should just happen once at startup. If you cache the transpilation result, which is recommended, you would have the same performance numbers as html/template for rendering.


Just for fun. Go Templates work nice out of the box and should be used for rendering from a security point of view. If you care about performance you should cache the rendered output.

Sometimes there are templates that cannot be reasonably cached. Then you might need a really fast template engine with code generation.

How to run the benchmarks

minimal configuration, but does not make sense, as it would compare the same 2 go versions.

./ -c go

testing your setup - reduce test runtime and assuming you have those two go binaries on your system.

./ -t 10ms -c go1.18 -g go1.19

example for a normal benchmark run on my system with the default 3s runtime per template engine

./ -c go1.18.6 -g go1.19.1

Results dev machine

local desktop: ryzen 3900x

special benchmarks

Name Runs ns/op B/op allocations/op
ComplexGoDirectBuffer 8,153,427 428 0 0
ComplexGoStaticString 310,142,265 12 0 0
comparing: go1.19.5 to go1.20
name                      old time/op    new time/op    delta
ComplexGoDirectBuffer-24     519ns ± 0%     428ns ± 0%  -17.63%
ComplexGoStaticString-24    11.7ns ± 0%    11.9ns ± 0%   +1.96%

name                      old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
ComplexGoDirectBuffer-24     0.00B          0.00B         0.00%
ComplexGoStaticString-24     0.00B          0.00B         0.00%

name                      old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
ComplexGoDirectBuffer-24      0.00           0.00         0.00%
ComplexGoStaticString-24      0.00           0.00         0.00%

simple benchmarks

full featured template engines

Name Runs µs/op B/op allocations/op
Ace 289,507 12.165 1,121 40
Amber 381,030 8.535 849 36
Golang 694,083 8.197 769 35
GolangText 1,500,374 2.355 128 7
Handlebars 266,238 13.062 3,648 78
JetHTML 4,429,336 0.771 0 0
Mustache 859,552 4.177 1,723 30
Pongo2 840,604 5.441 2,075 32
Soy 1,000,000 3.610 1,224 19
comparing: go1.19.5 to go1.20
name           old time/op    new time/op    delta
Golang-24        8.42µs ± 0%    8.20µs ± 0%  -2.61%
GolangText-24    2.47µs ± 0%    2.35µs ± 0%  -4.81%
Ace-24           12.8µs ± 0%    12.2µs ± 0%  -4.75%
Amber-24         8.57µs ± 0%    8.54µs ± 0%  -0.42%
Mustache-24      4.46µs ± 0%    4.18µs ± 0%  -6.41%
Pongo2-24        5.91µs ± 0%    5.44µs ± 0%  -7.98%
Handlebars-24    13.9µs ± 0%    13.1µs ± 0%  -6.26%
Soy-24           3.67µs ± 0%    3.61µs ± 0%  -1.77%
JetHTML-24        832ns ± 0%     771ns ± 0%  -7.39%

name           old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
Golang-24          769B ± 0%      769B ± 0%   0.00%
GolangText-24      128B ± 0%      128B ± 0%   0.00%
Ace-24           1.12kB ± 0%    1.12kB ± 0%   0.00%
Amber-24           849B ± 0%      849B ± 0%   0.00%
Mustache-24      1.72kB ± 0%    1.72kB ± 0%   0.00%
Pongo2-24        2.08kB ± 0%    2.08kB ± 0%   0.00%
Handlebars-24    3.65kB ± 0%    3.65kB ± 0%   0.00%
Soy-24           1.22kB ± 0%    1.22kB ± 0%   0.00%
JetHTML-24        0.00B          0.00B        0.00%

name           old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
Golang-24          35.0 ± 0%      35.0 ± 0%   0.00%
GolangText-24      7.00 ± 0%      7.00 ± 0%   0.00%
Ace-24             40.0 ± 0%      40.0 ± 0%   0.00%
Amber-24           36.0 ± 0%      36.0 ± 0%   0.00%
Mustache-24        30.0 ± 0%      30.0 ± 0%   0.00%
Pongo2-24          32.0 ± 0%      32.0 ± 0%   0.00%
Handlebars-24      78.0 ± 0%      78.0 ± 0%   0.00%
Soy-24             19.0 ± 0%      19.0 ± 0%   0.00%
JetHTML-24         0.00           0.00        0.00%

precompilation to Go code

Name Runs µs/op B/op allocations/op
Ego 3,272,616 1.151 85 8
Ftmpl 2,179,855 1.610 774 12
Gorazor 4,294,610 0.803 512 5
Hero 24,494,606 0.123 0 0
Jade 40,706,695 0.089 0 0
Quicktemplate 19,722,939 0.181 0 0
comparing: go1.19.5 to go1.20
name              old time/op    new time/op    delta
Ego-24              1.13µs ± 0%    1.15µs ± 0%   +2.22%
Quicktemplate-24     185ns ± 0%     181ns ± 0%   -1.95%
Ftmpl-24            1.46µs ± 0%    1.61µs ± 0%  +10.05%
Gorazor-24           804ns ± 0%     803ns ± 0%   -0.06%
Hero-24              119ns ± 0%     123ns ± 0%   +3.20%
Jade-24             91.5ns ± 0%    88.8ns ± 0%   -2.86%

name              old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
Ego-24               85.0B ± 0%     85.0B ± 0%    0.00%
Quicktemplate-24     0.00B          0.00B         0.00%
Ftmpl-24              774B ± 0%      774B ± 0%    0.00%
Gorazor-24            512B ± 0%      512B ± 0%    0.00%
Hero-24              0.00B          0.00B         0.00%
Jade-24              0.00B          0.00B         0.00%

name              old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
Ego-24                8.00 ± 0%      8.00 ± 0%    0.00%
Quicktemplate-24      0.00           0.00         0.00%
Ftmpl-24              12.0 ± 0%      12.0 ± 0%    0.00%
Gorazor-24            5.00 ± 0%      5.00 ± 0%    0.00%
Hero-24               0.00           0.00         0.00%
Jade-24               0.00           0.00         0.00%

more complex test with template inheritance (if possible)

full featured template engines

Name Runs µs/op B/op allocations/op
ComplexGolang 55,249 72.293 6,548 290
ComplexGolangText 115,640 31.731 2,236 107
ComplexJetHTML 313,855 11.832 534 5
ComplexMustache 134,226 26.156 7,274 156
comparing: go1.19.5 to go1.20
name                  old time/op    new time/op    delta
ComplexGolang-24        72.8µs ± 0%    72.3µs ± 0%  -0.73%
ComplexGolangText-24    31.8µs ± 0%    31.7µs ± 0%  -0.20%
ComplexMustache-24      26.7µs ± 0%    26.2µs ± 0%  -2.07%
ComplexJetHTML-24       11.7µs ± 0%    11.8µs ± 0%  +1.13%

name                  old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
ComplexGolang-24        6.64kB ± 0%    6.55kB ± 0%  -1.46%
ComplexGolangText-24    2.24kB ± 0%    2.24kB ± 0%   0.00%
ComplexMustache-24      7.27kB ± 0%    7.27kB ± 0%  +0.01%
ComplexJetHTML-24         534B ± 0%      534B ± 0%   0.00%

name                  old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
ComplexGolang-24           290 ± 0%       290 ± 0%   0.00%
ComplexGolangText-24       107 ± 0%       107 ± 0%   0.00%
ComplexMustache-24         156 ± 0%       156 ± 0%   0.00%
ComplexJetHTML-24         5.00 ± 0%      5.00 ± 0%   0.00%

precompilation to Go code

Name Runs µs/op B/op allocations/op
ComplexEgo 837,608 5.777 568 31
ComplexFtmpl 486,427 7.126 3,535 38
ComplexGorazor 720,013 5.193 3,688 24
ComplexHero 3,623,186 0.955 0 0
ComplexJade 5,046,976 0.745 0 0
ComplexQuicktemplate 3,481,230 1.011 0 0
comparing: go1.19.5 to go1.20
name                     old time/op    new time/op    delta
ComplexEgo-24              5.67µs ± 0%    5.78µs ± 0%  +1.91%
ComplexQuicktemplate-24    1.03µs ± 0%    1.01µs ± 0%  -2.22%
ComplexFtmpl-24            7.08µs ± 0%    7.13µs ± 0%  +0.65%
ComplexGorazor-24          5.09µs ± 0%    5.19µs ± 0%  +2.10%
ComplexHero-24              964ns ± 0%     955ns ± 0%  -0.92%
ComplexJade-24              764ns ± 0%     745ns ± 0%  -2.47%

name                     old alloc/op   new alloc/op   delta
ComplexEgo-24                568B ± 0%      568B ± 0%   0.00%
ComplexQuicktemplate-24     0.00B          0.00B        0.00%
ComplexFtmpl-24            3.54kB ± 0%    3.54kB ± 0%   0.00%
ComplexGorazor-24          3.73kB ± 0%    3.69kB ± 0%  -1.07%
ComplexHero-24              0.00B          0.00B        0.00%
ComplexJade-24              0.00B          0.00B        0.00%

name                     old allocs/op  new allocs/op  delta
ComplexEgo-24                31.0 ± 0%      31.0 ± 0%   0.00%
ComplexQuicktemplate-24      0.00           0.00        0.00%
ComplexFtmpl-24              38.0 ± 0%      38.0 ± 0%   0.00%
ComplexGorazor-24            22.0 ± 0%      24.0 ± 0%  +9.09%
ComplexHero-24               0.00           0.00        0.00%
ComplexJade-24               0.00           0.00        0.00%


All packages assume that template authors are trusted. If you allow custom templates you have to sanitize your user input e.g. bluemonday. Generally speaking I would suggest to sanitize every input not just HTML-input.

Attention: This part is not updated since 2016.

Framework Security Comment
Ace No
amber No
ego Partial (html.EscapeString) only HTML, others need to be called manually
egon Partial (html.EscapeString) only HTML, others need to be called manually
egonslinso Partial (html.EscapeString) only HTML, others need to be called manually
ftmpl Partial (html.EscapeString) only HTML, others need to be called manually
Go Yes contextual escaping html/template Security Model
Gorazor Partial (template.HTMLEscapeString) only HTML, others need to be called manually
Handlebars Partial (raymond.escape) only HTML
Hero Partial (html.EscapeString) only HTML, others need to be called manually
Jade Partial (html.EscapeString) Autoescape for HTML, others need to be called manually
Jet Partial (html.EscapeString) Autoescape for HTML, others need to be called manually
Kasia Partial (kasia.WriteEscapedHtml) only HTML
Mustache Partial (template.HTMLEscape) only HTML
Pongo2 Partial (pongo2.filterEscape, pongo2.filterEscapejs) autoescape only escapes HTML, others could be implemented as pongo filters
Quicktemplate Partial (html.EscapeString) only HTML, others need to be called manually
Soy Partial (template.HTMLEscapeString, url.QueryEscape, template.JSEscapeString) autoescape only escapes HTML, contextual escaping is defined as a project goal


comparing the performance of different template engines


Language:Go 67.4%Language:Shell 26.5%Language:templ 1.9%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:Pug 1.2%Language:Mustache 1.0%Language:Closure Templates 0.4%