SlimeVR / SlimeVR-Tracker-ESP

SlimeVR tracker firmware for ESP32/ESP8266 and different IMUs

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6050 does not work when the first IMU is BNO085 and the second IMU is 6050

Kamilake opened this issue · comments

My configuration:

// Set parameters of IMU and board used
#define IMU IMU_BNO085
#define SECOND_IMU IMU_MPU6050

I found that in the above situation, I ignored the second 6050 without any message in the log.

[INFO ] [SlimeVR] SlimeVR v0.2.2 starting up...
[INFO ] [Configuration] Found up-to-date configuration v1
[INFO ] [Configuration] Loaded configuration
[INFO ] [BNO080Sensor:0] Connected to BNO085 on 0x4a. Info: SW Version Major: 0x00 SW Version Minor: 0x00 SW Part Number: 0x00 SW Build Number: 0x00 SW Version Patch: 0x00
[INFO ] [WiFiHandler] Setting up WiFi
[INFO ] [WiFiHandler] Loaded credentials for SSID kamilake and pass length 24
[DEBUG] [WiFiHandler] Status: 7
[NOTICE] OTA updates allowed
...[INFO ] [WiFiHandler] Connected successfully to SSID 'kamilake', ip address
[INFO ] [UDPClient] Looking for the server...
[DEBUG] [UDPClient] Handshake successful, server is

I've already connected the second sensor and it worked well in other configurations

Expected Results:

[INFO ] [MPU6050Sensor:0] Connected to MPU6050 (reported device ID 0x68) at address 0x69
[DEBUG] [MPU6050Sensor:0] Enabling DMP...
[DEBUG] [MPU6050Sensor:0] DMP ready! Waiting for first interrupt...

The above output should be displayed

I'm looking back on the source code
Is there a problem with my code or hardware? Then let me know)))