SlimeVR / SlimeVR-Tracker-ESP

SlimeVR tracker firmware for ESP32/ESP8266 and different IMUs

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[Feature Request] Allow multiple Wifi's to be saved

Bluscream opened this issue · comments

It would be nice if i could save an arbritrary amount of Wifi's to the Tracker and it connects to the one with the highest signal.

That would allow for multiple Wifi SSIDs being set up in a house/apartment and also make it easier if you either need to move between divorced parents or just visit friends often.

This could be nice indeed.

As a not so sidenote, if you only need 2 wifis, you can use hardcoded wifi and the server-set wifi. The tracker will try to connect to the wifi set by the server and then try to connect to the hardcoded one if it fails.

As a not so sidenote, if you only need 2 wifis, you can use hardcoded wifi and the server-set wifi. The tracker will try to connect to the wifi set by the server and then try to connect to the hardcoded one if it fails.

That's coool.... I didn't know could use it for that purpose!

This does not work at the moment, as when the secondary WiFi is hardcoded and the primary WiFi (set through the WiFi window) fails connection, the hardcoded one will become the default WiFi.

cc: @Louka3000

Hmm I was referring to this:

altho, Eiren did say a few messages before that the wifi is stored as “hardcoded and last one used”, so I might have not understood something, my bad for the confusion.

I think hardcoded should always be a fallback on top of what was set via serial or wifi hotspot. The fact that hardcoded overrides storred is a problem. I think we may want to store wifi credentials in LiteFS when they are set via serial or other way, and retry them again. I am a bit worried about constantly trying two wifi credentials, this may wear out EEPROM. Is there a way to disable ESP writing credentials to EEPROM?

I mean, we can now basically store near unlimited SSID / password combinations, just needs someone to implement that (while that's happening the person might as well rewrite src/network/wifihandler.cpp)

Is there a way to disable ESP writing credentials to EEPROM?
