Skycoder42 / QtService

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About debugging using VS

datased2019 opened this issue · comments

Hello. I am using QtService to act as a HttpServer. Compile perfectly fine. When I try debug using VS 2017. I could see the logs coming out and shows that onStart() is running. But I cannot connect to the port which HttpServer opend. BTW: It is running correctly using standard QtCoreApplication way.
Here is the code:

QtService::Service::CommandResult onStart() override {
	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
	HttpPluginServer plugins{ "routes.json" };
	HttpServer server;
	HttpServerRequestRouter router{
		{ QRegularExpression{""}, HttpFileServer::handler("public")},
		{ QRegularExpression{""}, NotFoundHandler::handler()}

	QObject::connect(&server, &HttpServer::requestReady,
		&router, &HttpServerRequestRouter::handleRequest);

	server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, 8080);
	qDebug() << server.isListening(); // returns true
	qDebug() << "Service was started";
	return Synchronous; //service is now assumed started

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	TestService service{ argc, argv };
	return service.exec();

Thx so much.

The reason for your problem is simple: Your server is going out of scope!

Unlike the Qt main, which blocks at a.exec(), the onStart is merely called to initialize the application and then exits. This means plugins, server and router get destroyed at the end of the function.

To work around this problem, simply use pointers. I'd recommend making them member of the service like this:

// header
class MyService : public QtService::Service {
	// ....
	HttpPluginServer *_plugins = nullptr;
	HttpServer *_server = nullptr;
	HttpServerRequestRouter *_router = nullptr;

// source
QtService::Service::CommandResult MyService::onStart() override {
	qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
	_plugins = new HttpPluginServer{ "routes.json" };
	_server = new HttpServer{};
	_router = new HttpServerRequestRouter {
		{ QRegularExpression{""}, HttpFileServer::handler("public")},
		{ QRegularExpression{""}, NotFoundHandler::handler()}

	// ....

QtService::Service::CommandResult MyService::onStop(int &exitCode) override {
	delete _router;
	delete _server;
	delete _plugins;
	return Synchronous;

Note: If supported by HttpServer etc. you can also just construct them with the service as parent. Deleting in onStop might not be neccessary, but you should at least "close" the server.

Great. It works now. Problem about the method lifecycle. :)
Really appreciate your quick reply.