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SKDB is an embedded SQL database that stays in sync.

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Clarifying CLI flags

ltique opened this issue · comments

At the moment if you do npx skdb --help (or just npx skdb) you get this help string:

Usage: node_modules/.bin/skdb-cli [--help]
    [--db <db>]  -- Name of database to connect to.
    [--host <host>]  -- URI to connect to. Default: wss://
    [--access-key <key>]  -- Access key to use. Default: first specified in credentials file.
    [--dev]  -- Connect to the local dev server, use this to access credentials.
    [--json-output]  -- Rows are output as JSON objects. Default: false.
    [--pipe-separated-output]  -- SQL output is separated by a pipe. Default: false.
    [--simple-output]  -- No cute terminal usage. E.g. no readline.
    [--add-cred]  -- Add a credential to /home/user/.skdb/credentials. Pass the private key b64 on stdin.
    [--create-db <db>]  -- Create database.
    [--create-user]  -- Create user.
    [--remote-repl]  -- Interactively execute SQL queries against the server.
    [--local-repl]  -- Interactively execute SQL queries against a local db.
    [--schema]  -- Dump the database schema as SQL DML.
    [--table-schema <table>]  -- Dump the table schema as SQL DML.
    [--view-schema <view>]  -- Dump the view schema as SQL DML.

Anything passed on stdin will be evaluated as sql by the remote db.

It's a bit difficult from this to work out exactly what combinations of flags are valid. For example consider --create-user:

$ npx skdb --create-user
# prints out the same help string as earlier
$ npx skdb --create-user --dev
# prints out the same help string as earlier
$ npx skdb --create-user --db chat-app
Could not find credentials for chat-app in /home/user/.skdb/credentials
$ npx skdb --create-user --dev --db chat-app
# Creates a user!

The eventual sequence of flags does make sense, but it's hard to guess from the string. I wonder if we can make a more helpful help string? I'm not sure exactly what all the valid combinations are, but I think it's something like:

[--dev | --host <host> --access-key <key>]
[--json-output | --pipe-separated-output | --simple-output]
--add-cred | --create-db <db> | --create-user | --remote-repl | --local-repl | --schema | --table-schema <table> | --view-schema <view>

Warning: I might have got the combinations very wrong!

I agree that such a format for the usage help would be good. I think the thing to do is read the code in sql/ts/src/skdb-cli.ts following the call to parseArgs and construct the constraints from that.

I'm not quite sure what the *-output flags do, at least with --create-user:

$ npx skdb --dev --create-user --db chat-app
Successfully created user:  {
  f7rXW0KTJrjfjya0cCRZNFZ3Ht3: '...'
$ npx skdb --dev --create-user --db chat-app --json-output
Successfully created user:  {
  'f7sAj2vsTNMagAAFUSig-HYMNb7': '...'
$ npx skdb --dev --create-user --db chat-app --pipe-separate
Successfully created user:  {
  f7sAluP0KxiKRBiah_sI_cMj_j3: '...'
$ npx skdb --dev --create-user --db chat-app --pipe-separate
Successfully created user:  {
  f7sAw_b2on9Rcw_GyVinHqvcRu4: '...'

Ideally one of those would give me output which can be automatically slurped into other tools (e.g. as JSON, or by spitting out two lines etc).

One thing that I've only just noted is that the formatting of the output of --create-user has inconsistent quoting. Note in the above:

  'f7sAj2vsTNMagAAFUSig-HYMNb7': '...'


  f7sAluP0KxiKRBiah_sI_cMj_j3: '...'

The former access key / user ID is quoted (because, I think, of the presence of -), the latter isn't. I would suggest always quoting this output if possible.

It's because it's printed as a js object.