SkinsRestorer / SkinsRestorer

The most popular skin plugin for Minecraft

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Custom help does not work in a certain way.

quillincn opened this issue · comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

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Installed conforming to our guide?

  • I have read the installation guide and performed all steps

Describe your issue

In case when custom help is enabled and im using /skin help, it is giving me the correct message which I set in the SkinsRestorer/config.yml, but when im using command to which I did not have permission access, then i get default message from the SkinsRestorer/locales/custom/locale.json.


How can we reproduce what you got?

  1. Set custom help as a true.
        # Override the automatically generated translated help message with a custom one.
        # This is useful if you want to have a custom help message for your server.
        # This only affects the base help message when running /skin with no parameters, not the error/subcommand help messages.
        enabled: true
        # The custom help message to send to the player when running /skin with no parameters.
        - <red>Custom help test message
  1. Use /skin, then you will see the custom help message.
  2. Restrict use of any plugin command in permissions. In my case, I restricted the /skin update command with permission skinsrestorer.command.update set to false.
  3. Use the restricted command in the chat (/skin update), and after that you will get the help message from the locale.json file instead of the custom message from the config.yml file.

Server/Error Logs

Minecraft implementation

Proxy: no
Backend: Paper version git-Paper-249 (MC: 1.20.2) (Implementing API version 1.20.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 996d529)

What client are you using?

Modrinth App

SkinsRestorer Version


List of plugins

AntiPopup, AuthMe, CommandBlocker, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, GSit, InventoryRollbackPlus, InvSeePlusPlus, LuckPerms, MiniMOTD, MyCommand, NametagEdit, OreAnnouncer, PlaceholderAPI, ProtectionStones, ProtocolLib, RewardsLite, SkinsRestorer, TAB, UTitleAuth, Vault, WorldEdit, WorldGuard

Java Version

java version "20.0.1" 2023-04-18

Does your issue require a plugin in order to reproduce?


@quillincn did you try latest release?


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