SivilTaram / Persona-Dialogue-Generation

The code of ACL 2020 paper "You Impress Me: Dialogue Generation via Mutual Persona Perception"

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Training transmitter stuck in infinite loop

tungnt55 opened this issue · comments

I was trying to train a transmitter following the instruction in the main page.
During training, the training script runs to run_eval(). Here it seems to run forever and stucks in an infinite loop.


@tungnt55 In fact, evaluating will cost more time than training since it employs beam search to generate the best response and calculating the metrics (I remember that Hits@K costs the most). Please stay patient and keep it running. If you wanna to save time on evaluation, I will recommend to (i) create a relatively small dev set to evaluate; (ii) disable the Hits@K calculation on development.

Thank you for the reply. Now I can confirm that everything is working as expected.