Sitefinity / sitefinity-aspnetcore-mvc-widgets

OOB widgets which are part of the Net Core Renderer project.

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Regarding sfrenderer/scripts/bootstrap.bundle.js

chenyuAC opened this issue · comments

I discovered that if using the default widgets some will include the bootstrap.bundle.js

  • No bootstrap bundle css included?
  • How to update the bootstrap bundle version?


The reason that some of the widgets include the files is because they specifically need them. If you have a custom widget that requires these files, you can reference them the same way they are done in the examples here (Navigation widget's Horizontal.cshtml)

To answer your questions:

  • Yes, the bundle is included
  • In order to update you can do the following: Go to the 'wwwroot' folder of your web application and create 'scripts' folder if you need to override script or 'styles' folder for style. There you can place the updated file with the same name (bootstrap.bundle.js or bootstrap.css) in the respective folders and it will be taken into account instead of the ones we ship

Thank you for the clarifications!