SimpleSoftwareIO / simple-sms

Send and receive SMS messages with Laravel

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Driver [Selected Driver] not supported.

kieranbarlow opened this issue · comments

I've just pulled in this awesome service but I can't get it too work..
I keep getting the message: Driver [Selected Driver] not supported.
I've changed / choosen the twilio driver but can't get any further.
I edited both the config/sms.php file and the vendor/simplesoftwareIO/simple-sms/src/config/sms,php

My file:

return [
    'driver' => 'twilio',
    'from' => '+44mytwilionumber',
    'callfire' => [
        'app_login' => 'Your CallFire API Login',
        'app_password' => 'Your CallFire API Password'
    'eztexting' => [
        'username' => 'Your EZTexting Username',
        'password' => 'Your EZTexting Password'
    'labsmobile' => [
        'client' => 'Your client ID',
        'username' => 'Your Usernbame',
        'password' => 'Your Password',
        'test' => false
    'mozeo' => [
        'company_key' => 'Your Mozeo Company Key',
        'username' => 'Your Mozeo Username',
        'password' => 'Your Mozeo Password'
    'nexmo' => [
        'api_key' => 'Your Nexmo api key',
        'api_secret' => 'Your Nexmo api secret'
    'twilio' => [
        'account_sid' => 'twilio SID',
        'auth_token' => 'twilio Key',
        'verify' => true,

Any help would be greatly appreciated - I followed the step by step instructions:

"php": ">=5.5.9",
"guzzlehttp/guzzle": "~5.3|~6.0",
"simplesoftwareio/simple-sms": "~2"

Hey there,

I just tested the latest package and everything worked on our end. You should be editing the config/sms.php file.

I would suggest deleting your config/sms.php file and then running this artisan command: php artisan vendor:publish. Afterwards, edit your config/sms.php file.

If should look something like this afterwards

return [
    'driver' => 'twilio',
    'from' => '+15555555555',
    'twilio' => [
        'account_sid' => 'Your SID',
        'auth_token' => 'Your Token',
        'verify' => true,

Let me know if this solves your problem or if you need anymore help!


Fixed the issue seemed it was the application cache! Thanks for the reply though.


Sent from my iPhone

On 31 Jan 2016, at 01:06, Corey McCormick <> wrote:

Hey there,

I just tested the latest package and everything worked on our end. You should be editing the config/sms.php file.

I would suggest deleting your config/sms.php file and then running this artisan command: php artisan vendor:publish. Afterwards, edit your config/sms.php file.

If should look something like this afterwards

return [
'driver' => 'twilio',
'from' => '+15555555555',
'twilio' => [
'account_sid' => 'Your SID',
'auth_token' => 'Your Token',
'verify' => true,

Let me know if this solves your problem or if you need anymore help!

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Ah that has gotten me a few times. Glad you figured it out!