SimonGreenhill / rcldf

rcldf - The R library for reading CLDF files

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as.cldf.wide Hack rlang::`:=`

Fixsme opened this issue · comments

Dear Dr. Greenhill,

I saw your post on twitter about getting feedback on your package. I'm getting back on the as.cldf.wide function. In order to get the R CMD check compile with no warning, you needed to use the following syntax:

`:=` <- rlang::`:=`

Have you tried using the following code in the documentation of the function ?

#' @import rlang

When read by roxygenize(), this line should write an entry in the NAMESPACE in order to import the rlang package in the environment of the package.

It is good practice to list in the documentation of the function all the packages needed for that function to work with "@import " or "@importFrom ".

I hope this feedback will be of any use.


François-Xavier Toledo

Thanks @Fixsme -- sorry, I just saw this now, the notification must have slipped by somehow. You would have saved me a few hours! Oh well, I think it's fixed now, thanks anyway!