Simon-157 / ticketron

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Ticketron App

A Flutter application for browsing and purchasing tickets for events.


Background Job


  • User authentication (sign in, sign up)
  • Browse events by category
  • View event details
  • Purchase tickets
  • View and manage favorite events
  • View upcoming and past tickets
  • User profile management
  • QR code generation for event tickets

Directory Structure

  • lib/models: Contains the data models used in the application.
  • lib/screens: Contains the UI screens for various parts of the application.
    • auth: Screens related to authentication (sign in, sign up).
    • event: Screens related to viewing event details and event list.
    • profile: Screen related to user profile management.
    • home_screen.dart: Home screen of the app.
    • explore_screen.dart: Screen for browsing events.
    • favorites_screen.dart: Screen for viewing favorite events.
    • tickets_screen.dart: Screen for viewing upcoming and past tickets.
  • lib/services: Contains the services for API calls and authentication.
  • lib/utils: Contains utility functions and constants.
  • lib/widgets: Contains reusable UI components.

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd event_ticketing_app
  2. Install dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  3. Run the application:

    flutter run


The application uses several data models, located in lib/models:

  • agenda_item.dart: Defines the AgendaItem model.
  • contact_info.dart: Defines the ContactInfo model.
  • event.dart: Defines the Event model.
  • explore_event.dart: Defines the ExploreEvent model.
  • favorite.dart: Defines the Favorite model.
  • image.dart: Defines the Image model.
  • order.dart: Defines the Order model.
  • organizer.dart: Defines the Organizer model.
  • price.dart: Defines the Price model.
  • qr_code.dart: Defines the QRCode model.
  • sign_in.dart: Defines the SignIn model.
  • sign_up.dart: Defines the SignUp model.
  • social_link.dart: Defines the SocialLink model.
  • ticket.dart: Defines the Ticket model.
  • user.dart: Defines the User model.


The application contains the following screens:

  • Authentication screens (Sign In, Sign Up)
  • Home screen
  • Explore events screen
  • Event details screen
  • Favorites screen
  • Tickets screen (upcoming and past)
  • Profile screen


  • api_service.dart: Contains functions for API calls.
  • auth_service.dart: Contains functions for authentication-related operations.
  • event_service.dart: Contains functions for event-related operations.


  • constants.dart: Defines constant values used in the app.
  • helpers.dart: Contains helper functions.


  • custom_button.dart: A reusable button widget.
  • custom_text_field.dart: A reusable text field widget.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue to discuss your ideas.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.




Language:Dart 88.2%Language:C++ 5.9%Language:CMake 4.5%Language:Swift 0.8%Language:C 0.3%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:Kotlin 0.0%Language:Objective-C 0.0%