Silenci0 / SMAC

Sourcemod Anti-Cheat

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[New Features] Profile status checker

Drmohammad11 opened this issue · comments

hi !!
thank you for update!!
can you added profile checker ?
i need for blocking new accounts :(

thank you


This feature, assuming you mean steam profile checking, is sort of beyond the scope of SMAC as it is a server anti-cheat, not a profile blocker. Having SMAC look up and ban new accounts would require a significant amount of work and would need SteamAPI integration/support to be added, none of which I am willing to do for this fork of SMAC, at least not at this time.

That said, there might be a plugin similar to this one: that might be able to do what you need. You might want to search/ask on the alliedmodder's Sourcemod forums if someone has created a plugin to this or to ask if someone could make this for you as a number of coders do frequent those forums and some of them might be able to help you with this, assuming it is possible.


all right, can you help me for this feature??

plugin CowAntiCheat have a profile status checker but dont work :((
my server have new players with cheat
he ban from my server but he create new account and use cheat again :((
please help me.
sorry for bad speak english!!

Sorry, but I am unable to help with this feature for that plugin as I would need to know more about SteamWorks API. I will keep this feature in mind going forward, but at this time, I am unable to assist.

ok. no problem my freind.

steamworks api isn't too bad tbh. The docs on it are extremely easy too. Assuming you can bind to a dll library all you need to do is call their built in functions

I will be closing this issue. For now, this feature will not be added to this fork of SMAC. I may look into it implementing it later or as a separate plugin. Alternatively, anyone who wants can fork this repo and add it themselves, if they so choose. Thanks!