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Sign in with Google error (" 400: redirect_uri_mismatch".) (also with Github sign in)

taka11japan opened this issue · comments

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Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

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Installation and setup

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[2024-01-13 16:41:48,209] [main ] [INFO] 📝 Agent server starting on http://localhost:8000/

The setup is complete, and when I enter the command ./run agent start AgentName, the site at http://localhost:8000/ opens. There are buttons for ‘Sign in with Google’ and ‘Sign in with GitHub’.

When I press the ‘Sign in with Google’ button, " 400: redirect_uri_mismatch" displayed in windows popup.
(and also nothing is displayed and I cannot sign in with Github)

Is there something missing in the settings?

rm -rf /autogpts/
And then creating it again with

./run agent create <agent_name>

The problem is same.

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