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the deletion of $ENV_PATH in autogpts/forge/setup script might fail the launching of an agent

predator17 opened this issue · comments

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in rocky linux, when following the in a miniconda environment, it failed to launch an agent via executing
./run agent start myagent command.
i found the issue was caused by a script from "autogpts/forge/setup", i have no idea why it should remove the poetry environment, in my case i simply comment out the code rm -rf $ENV_PATH from the script, then my agent can be launched properly.

i'd like to suggest the setup AutoGPT/autogpts/forge/setup script should be modified as following:

OS_DISTRO=$(grep -w NAME /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '"')

ENV_PATH=$(poetry env info --path)

if [ "$OS_DISTRO" != "Rocky Linux" ]; then
    if [ -d "$ENV_PATH" ]; then
        rm -rf $ENV_PATH
        echo "Removed the poetry environment at $ENV_PATH."
        echo "No poetry environment found."
    echo "Running on Rocky Linux. The poetry environment at $ENV_PATH will not be removed."

 poetry install --extras benchmark
 echo "Setup completed successfully."
 exit 0

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I have the same issue, MacOS and miniconda env :(