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Port and split `autogpt.core.configuration` into `forge.config` and `forge.state`

Pwuts opened this issue · comments

  • Actionable for #6970

    Move clear-cut library code from AutoGPT to Forge (or to /dev/null if Forge already has a better version)

    • ...
    • autogpt.core.configuration
    • ...
  • ⛔ Blocks [all other "Port ... to Forge" items]

  • Separation
    Currently, autogpt.core.configuration handles both configuration and state management. It makes sense to separate those functions into forge.config and forge.state. For example:

    # BEFORE
    class MyComponent(Configurable[MySettings]):
        default_settings = MySettings(
    # AFTER
    C = TypeVar("C", bound=SystemConfiguration)
    class Configurable(Generic[C]):
        config_type: ClassVar[type[C]]
        config: C
        def _make_config(cls, **overrides) -> C:
            Builds the configuration from the following sources (in order of precedence):
            1. Overrides
            2. Environment variables
            3. Default values on the config_type
            # insert implementation here
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            self.config = self._make_config(**kwargs)
            super(Configurable, self).__init__(**kwargs)
    S = TypeVar("S", bound=SystemState)
    class Stateful(Generic[S]):
        _state_type: ClassVar[type[S]]
        _state: S
        def __init__(self, state: Optional[S] = None, **kwargs):
            self._state = state or self._state_type()
            super(Stateful, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        def export_state(self) -> S:
            return self._state
    class MyConfig(SystemConfiguration):
        enable_coolness: bool = UserConfigurable(default=True)
        max_coolness: int = math.inf
    class MyState(SystemState):
        coolness_counter: int = 0
    class Component(Configurable[MyConfig], Stateful[MyState]):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Component, self).__init__()
        def some_method(self):
            if self.config.enable_coolness:
                if self._state.coolness_counter + 1 > self.config.max_coolness:
                    raise ValueError("too cool!")
                self._state.coolness_counter += 1
    class AltComponent(Configurable[MyConfig], Stateful[MyState]):
        def __init__(self):
            super(AltComponent, self).__init__()
            self.counter = self._state.coolness_counter
        def some_method(self):
            if self.config.enable_coolness:
                if self.counter + 1 > self.config.max_coolness:
                    raise ValueError("too cool!")
                self.counter += 1
        def export_state(self) -> MyState:
            return MyState(coolness_counter=self.counter)

    Configurable+SystemConfiguration and Stateful+SystemState will share a large portion of their implementations, because both support the same kind of nesting and related functionality.


  • #6970
  • Other modules to be ported from AutoGPT to Forge depend on autogpt.core.configuration
  • Most applications need config and state management, so this is useful anyways


  • In the future it may make sense to move to an externally imported config library. This is purposefully not included in this issue to keep the task manageable.

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