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maximum message size

ionelmoisuc opened this issue · comments


What is the maximum message size that SignalR is meant to handle?

If client A sends a message split in chunks (a few messages) to a server and the server resends all those messages to client B, will client B receive messages in the same order as they were sent by client A ?


  1. There's no maximum message size but we recommend < 32K per message since they are being stored in a ring buffer (default size 5000). Storing larger messages will be awful for performance. See #1114 for details on how to handle large messages by chunking.
  2. Yes

Maybe it's me - but I'm seeing a maximum message size:
with a funny (as in: "LOL - funneh!") error message:

The number of bytes actually transferred is slightly different than the numbers seen in the tests because the numbers in the tests is the size of a byte[] payload that I transfer in an envelope-type of object.

Is there something wrong with me?

I'm seeing the same issue outlined above.
"There's no maximum message size but we recommend < 32K per message"
Well given that things don't work (and don't even provide a valid exception message) at a message size of >36864, there IS a maximum message size.

You recommend 32 K? why is that the limit, how is 32 K significant? Are we all supposed to send 8 bits around?

limitation is 4Ko ;

4Ko ??? You mean 4 KB? 40 KB ? 45 KB ?
Why is it useful ?

@mookid8000 I think what you are seeing is a WebSocket size limit.

Any way to measure the message size? we tried that but it is not working:

Thank you!

How have you configured your custom MessageBus? It's possible it's not properly registered and thus not being called.