Sigmmma / binilla

Visual editor for binary structures based on Supyr_Struct. A user can define their own Supyr definitions and use those to load/edit/create new binary structures in an easy to understand visual editor.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Symbolic links still do not work when using "Save as..."

SnowyMouse opened this issue · comments


When opening a tag and using the "Save as..." feature, saving it in the tags folder fails if using a symlink. Also, the Save as dialog starts at the absolute path rather than using the symbolic link.

The save fails whether I am navigating through to the actual symlink or the actual, absolute path of the file as, for whatever reason, it is using the absolute path of the file for determining where the tags are being saved to.


kdialog or tkinter's filedialogs?



This is an issue with the tkinter filedialog. Currently this can be avoided by installing kdialog. But that might not work correctly under Mesa systems before fe0f9dc