Sicos1977 / ChromiumHtmlToPdf

Convert HTML to PDF with a Chromium based browser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

.NET support version

san59deep opened this issue · comments

@Sicos1977 we are using .NET version 4.7.3190 and chromehtmltopdf supports only for 3.1.0 version, is there anyways to use the available version for to run chromehtmltopdf?


What exactly do you want to do? Use it in another .net version?

It should work in all the .net version listed on nuget.


I also added the information about installing .net core 3.1 to the readme so other people don't make the same mistake.

The console app needs .net core 3.1 but the library works also on all the other frameworks mentioned on nuget.