Sicos1977 / ChromiumHtmlToPdf

Convert HTML to PDF with a Chromium based browser

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Do you support.net6?

cd-linxi opened this issue · comments

Do you support.net6?

Does it support. Webp images?




It uses Chrome for the conversion so everything that Chrome supports is supported... and that includes webp

I have encountered the following problem in use, may I ask what is the cause?


You should check if Chrome exists in the given path and if your app has the rights to start Chrome.

Try looking into the event viewer from windows to see if you get some kind of security warning.


You can also try to make the converter object without giving it a path. The library has some build in code to look for chrome on the standard places like where it get's installed by default.