Could you please support specifying file names during batch conversion?
2-3-5-7 opened this issue · comments
I have some URIs to convert, and I would like the input list to support specifying file names. The URL and file name would be separated by a tab character, as shown below. If there is no tab character, the default file name would be used. 1. about-nextjs 1.1 what is nextjs 1.2 from-javascript-to-react
Also found two bugs (maybe?)
- When the input is a URI,
should not be used. Instead, it should beoutputFile = inputUri.IsFile ? Path.ChangeExtension(outputFile, ".pdf") : outputFile + ".pdf"
. - The output seems to be treated as a file rather than a path, so I changed it to
using var output = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(options.Output, "conversion_info.txt"));
I'm a C# beginner and I've tried to make some changes based on my understanding. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes.
if (options.InputIsList)
_itemsToConvert = new ConcurrentQueue<ConversionItem>();
_itemsConverted = new ConcurrentQueue<ConversionItem>();
WriteToLog($"Reading input file '{options.Input}'");
var lines = File.ReadAllLines(options.Input);
foreach (var line in lines)
string[] arr = line.Split("\t");
var inputUri = new ConvertUri(arr[0]);
var outputPath = Path.GetFullPath(options.Output);
string outputFile;
if (arr.Length == 1)
outputFile = inputUri.IsFile
? Path.GetFileName(inputUri.AbsolutePath)
: FileManager.RemoveInvalidFileNameChars(inputUri.ToString());
outputFile = arr[1];
outputFile = inputUri.IsFile ? Path.ChangeExtension(outputFile, ".pdf") : outputFile + ".pdf";
_itemsToConvert.Enqueue(new ConversionItem(inputUri,
// ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
Path.Combine(outputPath, outputFile)));
WriteToLog($"{_itemsToConvert.Count} items read");
if (options.UseMultiThreading)
_workerTasks = new List<Task>();
WriteToLog($"Starting {maxTasks} processing tasks");
for (var i = 0; i < maxTasks; i++)
var i1 = i;
_workerTasks.Add(_taskFactory.StartNew(() =>
ConvertWithTask(options, (i1 + 1).ToString())));
ConvertWithTask(options, null).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
// Write conversion information to output file
using var output = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(options.Output, "conversion_info.txt"));
foreach (var itemConverted in _itemsConverted)
var bytes = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(itemConverted.OutputLine);
output.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
Finally, thank you for writing this program!
That should be possible. I'll try to look into this this weekend.
I like your pacman logo :-)
I added the option but I used a pipe sign instead of a tab. So your input file would be like this