Sicos1977 / ChromiumHtmlToPdf

Convert HTML to PDF with a Chromium based browser

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WebSocket tiemout error on large HTML

dolivaw opened this issue · comments


I am using the library to generate PDFs from very large HTML files. The conversion is giving me an error, and upon reviewing the generated logs and the library's code, I believe the issue is related to a WebSocket timeout error.

I have conducted tests with smaller data and confirmed the situation.

I noticed that in the Connection class, you create a ClientWebSocket without specifying any options, resulting in a 30-second timeout.

Is it possible to modify the library to allow specifying the timeout duration as a parameter? This would involve modifying the KeepAliveInterval property of the Websocket Options object.

Thank you very much.



I added an option for this

    /// <summary>
    ///     The timeout in milliseconds when waiting for a websocket to open
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///     Default 30 seconds
    /// </remarks>
    public int WebsocketTimeout { get; set; } = 30000;

Thank you very much for the enhancement