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App creator not handling multipart/form-data content-type

valpet93 opened this issue · comments

Shuffle (Cloud and on-premise) is not able to properly create an app. It cannot handle an OpenAPI standard, concerning requestBody. Indeed, importing the official .yml OpenAPI of FireEye AX, available here, paths, such as /urls, are not correctly imported.
This could be due to not recognising of multipart/form-data content type

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create app from file
  2. upload the file
  3. Check /urls action

I'm expecting the output to be something like this:

        curl --location --request POST 'https://<fe-ax>/urls' \
        --header 'feye-auth-key: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ...3NDh9.XuADzMOS0G-jOwmx9AVVudhsTxC7tUkEYBMQyj18kP0' \
        --form 'urls=[""]'

BUT I have this (shuffle_request_curl):

curl -XPOST https://<my_ip>/urls \
-d '{"urls": "['','']", "force_analyze": false, "analysis_mode": "live", "profiles": ["win7x64-sp1m", "win7-sp1m", "winxp-sp3m", "win10x64m", "centos-7.2", "osx-10.8.2", "osx-10.11.3"], "enable_prefetch": false}'