Shubhamsaboo / awesome-llm-apps

Collection of awesome LLM apps with RAG using OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini and opensource models.

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The ChatWithGithub app reloads the repo into vector db each time new question is asked

Vadiml1024 opened this issue · comments

The repo i' m working with is pretty big... it takes 15-20. minutes to load it into chromadb.
Not very usable.

Looking at sreamlit docs i understand now that it reruns the module from the beginning when user enters data on the screen. Si I tried to avoid rerund of database loading:

import tempfile
from embedchain import App
from embedchain.loaders.github import GithubLoader
import streamlit as st

def get_loader():
    loader = GithubLoader(
    return loader

loader = get_loader()

# Define the embedchain_bot function
def embedchain_bot(db_path):
    return App.from_config(
            "llm": {"provider": "ollama", "config": {"model": "llama3:instruct", "max_tokens": 250, "temperature": 0.5, "stream": True, "base_url": 'http://localhost:11434'}},
            "vectordb": {"provider": "chroma", "config": {"dir": db_path}},
            "embedder": {"provider": "ollama", "config": {"model": "llama3:instruct", "base_url": 'http://localhost:11434'}},

def load_repo(git_repo):
    # Add the repo to the knowledge base
    print(f"Adding {git_repo} to knowledge base!")
    app.add("repo:" + git_repo + " " + "type:repo", data_type="github", loader=loader)
#    st.success(f"Added {git_repo} to knowledge base!")
    return app

def make_db_path():
    ret = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix="chroma")
    print(f"Created Chroma DB at {ret}")    
    return ret

# Create Streamlit app
st.title("Chat with GitHub Repository 💬")
st.caption("This app allows you to chat with a GitHub Repo using Llama-3 running with Ollama")

# Initialize the Embedchain App
db_path = make_db_path()
app = embedchain_bot(db_path)

# Get the GitHub repo from the user
git_repo = st.text_input("Enter the GitHub Repo", type="default")

if git_repo:
    app = load_repo(git_repo) # Add the repo to the knowledge base

# Ask a question about the Github Repo
prompt = st.text_input("Ask any question about the GitHub Repo")
# Chat with the GitHub Repo
if prompt:
    answer =

Unfortunately, it does not help much.
Maybe you have an idea.

Solved in this PR: #13

Thanks for the contribution @Vadiml1024. I will review it soon and merge.

Merged the PR.