ShiftMediaProject / FFVS-Project-Generator

A program that can scan existing FFmpeg/LibAV source files and dynamically generate a Visual Studio project file.

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stuck on dce symbols for libavcodec on latest 1.6.4 (regression from 1.6.3)

pkviet opened this issue · comments


with the latest release 1.6.4, the generator gets stuck at DCE generation for libavcodec but this does not occur with 1.6.3;

error message is
.\project_generate.exe --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-libv orbis --enable-libopus --enable-libtheora --enable-libx264 --disable-schannel --disable-iconv --disable-zlib --disable-s dl2 --disable-ffplay --disable-ffprobe --disable-ffserver --disable-bzlib --disable-lzma --toolchain=msvc Project generator (this may take several minutes, please wait)... Passing configure file... Outputting config.h... Outputting avconfig.h... Outputting ffversion.h... Outputting enabled components file libavcodec/bsf_list.c... Outputting enabled components file libavformat/protocol_list.c... Generating from Makefile (./ffmpeg/libavcodec/MakeFile)... Generating from Makefile (./ffmpeg/libavcodec/x86/MakeFile)... Generating missing DCE symbols (libavcodec)... Invalid switch - "". Error: Errors detected during compilation :- 'cl.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, Based on the above error(s) Visual Studio is not installed correctly on the host system. Install a compatible version of Visual Studio before trying again.

I've checked that with previous generator 1.6.3 all goes well with same command with exactly same options.

So this is probably a regression from something committed after 1.6.3.

What version(s) of Visual Studio are you using?
Also can you provide the contents of ffvs_log.txt as that may provide additional information.


vs 2015 community; can't find any log either in /ffmpeg , nor /ffmpeg/.. (where project_generate is located) nor in /ffmpeg/SMP; in SMP there is only the dep.bat


i'll try to bisect, cherry picking only last two commits. Will report later

Let me know if you find anything. There haven't been any commits that effect VS detection made since 1.6.3 so im not sure where a regression would have been introduced.


hi again; cherry picked the two commits related with fftools on top of previous release; but no dice. Exactly the same error with the same message. So something in these commits ?


Also tried the following:

  • since 1.6.4 is compatible with ffmpeg without fftools, I also tested on a ffmpeg branch before the folder change of CLI tools; but ==> same errors as on ffmpeg master.

  • I checked 1.6.3 downloaded from SMP works fine on very same branch (obviously, can not test on master).

  • What's really odd is that 1.6.3 home-compiled (not your download) issues the same errors as 1.6.4 downloaded from SMP.
    Faulty VS 2015 install ? but then 1.6.3 (downloaded) wouldn't work either
    I am clueless.

Thanks for looking into this as its not something i can reproduce. Based on your above comments im completely clueless as to what may be causing this as well.

The error your getting is generated when trying to launch an external msvc test run. The program creates a .bat file and then attempts to run it. For some reason the .bat file is not completing correctly and generating errors. Within VS you can place a breakpoint at line 166 of projectGenerator_compiler.cpp to catch the error. When the breakpoint is triggered you should be able to open the created ffvs_compile.bat file and check its contents. The bat file is deleted shortly after line 166 so you have to use the breakpoint to view its content. This will allow you to view and test the bat file to hopefully help work out whats going on. You can directly run the bat file from command prompt (note: you need a new fresh command prompt window each time you run the at file).

If there is anything you can find by doing the above then that will greatly help in trying to work out whats causing the error and how to fix it.


Ok thanks a lot.
Here is what I get ;
lcodecs.c ./ffmpeg/SMP/compat.h(30): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'crtversion.h': No such file or directory
And the compile.bat
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set CALLDIR=%CD% if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" ( set SYSARCH=64 ) else if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" ( if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="AMD64" ( set SYSARCH=64 ) else ( set SYSARCH=32 ) ) else ( echo fatal error : Current Platform Architecture could not be detected. > ffvs_log.txt exit /b 1 ) if "%SYSARCH%"=="32" ( set MSVCVARSDIR= set WOWNODE= ) else if "%SYSARCH%"=="64" ( set MSVCVARSDIR=\amd64 set WOWNODE=\WOW6432Node ) pushd %CD% reg.exe query "HKLM\SOFTWARE%WOWNODE%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7" /v 15.0 >nul 2>&1 if not ERRORLEVEL 1 ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg.exe query "HKLM\SOFTWARE%WOWNODE%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7" /v 15.0') do (set VSINSTALLDIR=%%b) call "!VSINSTALLDIR!VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars%SYSARCH%.bat" >nul 2>&1 goto MSVCVarsDone ) reg.exe query "HKLM\Software%WOWNODE%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0" /v "InstallDir" >nul 2>&1 if not ERRORLEVEL 1 ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg.exe query "HKLM\Software%WOWNODE%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0" /v "InstallDir"') do (set VSINSTALLDIR=%%b) call "!VSINSTALLDIR!\VC\bin%MSVCVARSDIR%\vcvars%SYSARCH%.bat" >nul 2>&1 goto MSVCVarsDone ) reg.exe query "HKLM\Software%WOWNODE%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0" /v "InstallDir" >nul 2>&1 if not ERRORLEVEL 1 ( for /f "skip=2 tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg.exe query "HKLM\Software%WOWNODE%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0" /v "InstallDir"') do (set VSINSTALLDIR=%%b) call "!VSINSTALLDIR!\VC\bin%MSVCVARSDIR%\vcvars%SYSARCH%.bat" >nul 2>&1 goto MSVCVarsDone ) echo fatal error : An installed version of Visual Studio could not be detected. > ffvs_log.txt exit /b 1 :MSVCVarsDone popd mkdir "FFVSTemp/" > nul 2>&1 mkdir "FFVSTemp/libavcodec" > nul 2>&1 cl.exe /I"./ffmpeg/" /I"./ffmpeg/SMP/" /I"../msvc/include/" /I"../msvc//include/opus" /I"%ProjectDir%/../../prebuilt/include/opus" /I"./ffmpeg/libavcodec/6" /I"./ffmpeg/libavcodec/" /D"_DEBUG" /D"WIN32" /D"_WINDOWS" /D"HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H" /D"inline=__inline" /FI"compat.h" /EP /P /c /MP /w /nologo "FFVSTemp/libavcodec/lcodecs.c" > ffvs_log.txt 2>&1 if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto exitFail move *.i FFVSTemp/libavcodec// >nul 2>&1 mkdir "FFVSTemp/libavcodec/6" > nul 2>&1 cl.exe /I"./ffmpeg/" /I"./ffmpeg/SMP/" /I"../msvc/include/" /I"../msvc//include/opus" /I"%ProjectDir%/../../prebuilt/include/opus" /I"./ffmpeg/libavcodec/6" /I"./ffmpeg/libavcodec/" /D"_DEBUG" /D"WIN32" /D"_WINDOWS" /D"HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H" /D"inline=__inline" /FI"compat.h" /EP /P /c /MP /w /nologo "FFVSTemp/libavcodec/6/ac3dsp_init.c" "FFVSTemp/libavcodec/6/dcadsp_init.c" "FFVSTemp/libavcodec/6/flacdsp_init.c" "FFVSTemp/libavcodec/6/hevcdsp_init.c" "FFVSTemp/libavcodec/6/mlpdsp_init.c" "FFVSTemp/libavcodec/6/vp9dsp_init.c" > ffvs_log.txt 2>&1 if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto exitFail move *.i FFVSTemp/libavcodec/6/ >nul 2>&1 del ffvs_log.txt >nul 2>&1 exit /b 0 :exitFail del /F /S /Q *.i >nul 2>&1 rmdir /S /Q FFVSTemp/ exit /b 1


NB: Tried setting path manually with vcvarsall , but crtversion.h still not found ... (although it's of course in the include folder)


and here is the output of stdout for debug exe:

Project generator (this may take several minutes, please wait)...
Passing configure file...
Info: Unlisted config dependency found (qsvdec_mpeg2)
Info: Unlisted config dependency found (qsvdec_vc1)
Info: Unlisted config dependency found (tls_protocol)
Info: Found unknown auto detected option appkit
Info: Found unknown auto detected option avfoundation
Info: Found unknown auto detected option coreimage
Info: Found unknown auto detected option videotoolbox
Info: Found unknown auto detected option v4l2_m2m
Info: Unknown option in ifa dependency (parisc64) for option (fast_64bit)
Info: Unknown option in dependency (const_nan) for option (tonemap_filter)
Outputting config.h...
Outputting avconfig.h...
Outputting ffversion.h...
Outputting enabled components file libavcodec/bsf_list.c...
Outputting enabled components file libavformat/protocol_list.c...
Generating from Makefile (./ffmpeg/libavcodec/MakeFile)...
Info: Unknown dynamic configuration option (CONFIG_MPEG4_OMX_ENCODER) used when passing object (omx)
Generating from Makefile (./ffmpeg/libavcodec/x86/MakeFile)...
Generating missing DCE symbols (libavcodec)...
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_H261
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_H263
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_MJPEG
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_MJPEG
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_H263
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_H263
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition HUFFMAN_TABLE_OPTIMAL
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_MJPEG
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition CANDIDATE_MB_TYPE_DIRECT
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition CANDIDATE_MB_TYPE_DIRECT0
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition MV_DIRECT
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_H263
Info: Found unknown macro in DCE condition FMT_MPEG1
Invalid switch - "".
Error: Errors detected during compilation :-


and my folder structure is: msvc -- ffvs at same level
In ffvs ==> ffmpeg and all source folders + project_generate.exe + bat files

Not being able to find crtversion.h seems like some msvc issue. The bat file auto detects and sets up vcvars so you shouldn't have to do it yourself. However as i mentioned previously you need a new fresh command prompt window each time you run the bat file as otherwise the vcvars get messed up and you get weird errors such as what you got.

Ive made a few new commits to the master branch that fix some issues (no idea if they fix yours though) so try and run the latest master version and see if you still have issues.

I noticed from your bat file output that x86 is getting clipped to just 6 (./ffmpeg/libavcodec/6) which the current version doesn't do so im not sure where that is coming from. I did have a issue raised before that had some weird errors which were actually caused by git clone not working properly (a fresh git clone fixed everything)


ran a few more tests:

  • no change with latest commits
  • i had already tested on a cleaned git clone
  • inspected the compile.bat created at breakpoint as you suggested. Found that it doesn't get the right InstallDir for VS 2015 :
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE
    instead of just:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0
    so it can not run vcvars

I bypassed the registry detection of InstallDir for VS 2015 and hardcoded its location in line 101 of ProjectGenerator_compiler.cpp :
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars%SYSARCH%.bat"
and now it works fine against ffmpeg master.
So it seems it is an issue with registry. I am on windows 10 x64 pro, upgraded from windows 8 pro and 8.1 pro over the years.
The issue is with commit 66e4b7 ; strange though that release 1.6.3 which supposedly has this commit works fine when I download it from your repo but not when I compile (which is what i would expect now).


anyway it's working for me, thanks for your tremendous help and this wonderful project. As for fixing the detection maybe it would be better to hard-code locations of MSVC according to version ? but maybe with all the variants it's too much of a headache. Can't tell; I've only ever coded on VS 2015 community.

Thanks for debugging all of that as it gives me something to work off.
On your system what is the value of %VS140COMNTOOLS% as i might be able to use that as a fallback to help improve detection.


hi it's VS140COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\

Thanks, OK i think i have identified what went wrong.
Let me know if the latest master fixes it for you.


your commit should indeed fix things for me, thanks !