ShiftMediaProject / FFVS-Project-Generator

A program that can scan existing FFmpeg/LibAV source files and dynamically generate a Visual Studio project file.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

support for new fftools folder

pkviet opened this issue · comments


a very recent commit has moved all ffmpeg.c, etc, files to fftools directory.
When starting one of the bat files of this project I therefore run into an error because the Makefile for ffmpeg can't be found.
I haven't seen any easy fix. In the bat, I pointed ffmpeg.h to fftools/ffmpeg.h ; but this doesn't seem to carry to the detection of associated makefile .

Yep, Thats a very recent commit (i.e. yesterday) so the tool hasnt been updated to support it yet. The new release will come out this weekend which will add proper support.


thanks !