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Need to Prevent formatting of dates while reading a csv

Gaya3G opened this issue · comments

I have been using XLSX npm ( to read excel and csv. I had been having problem with configuring date related params. I initially had code like:

            const wb = XLSX.readFile(strFilePath, {
                                type: 'file', 
                                cellDates: true, dateNF: 'mm/dd/yyyy'            
            const json = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]], {
                defval: "",
                raw: false,
                forceQuotes: true,
                blankrows: true,

With this above code, if a date like '12/$8/2022' is entered, it got formatted as '12/08/2022' which was unexpected.

So i changed readFile to:

          const wb = XLSX.readFile(strFilePath, {
                                  type: 'file', 

With this, when i try to read 9/9/2022, it is read as 9/9/22.

What need to be added to read date as is from excel/csv without formatting?