SharifAmit / RVGAN

[MICCAI'21] [Tensorflow] Retinal Vessel Segmentation using a Novel Multi-scale Generative Adversarial Network

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song-cc opened this issue · comments

When I run, I found the loss is 'nan' at behind of 2-epochs. Do you have this problem when you train. So I want to know why is it and how to solve this problem.

Duplicate of #


I have not encountered this problem before. Did you check if the data-sets are normalized to -1 to 1 and being passed to the models properly?
You can check the npz file by opening and then printing one row of the values.
It can be also a problem of the version of tf/keras.
Just to be sure, I will try to run the again and report you the output here.

I have run it once again, it seems to work for Tensorflow 2.0.0 and Keras 2.3.1, the version mentioned in the repository.
Also there seems to be no NAN value for any individual losses.
Attaching the image below
Screen Shot 2021-09-14 at 4 53 46 PM

After training for more than 2 epochs I am still seeing no NAN values in all the losses.

Please clone the latest repository and see if you are using the correct version of the packages.

I am closing this issue for now. Please reopen if necessary. Thanks !

Screenshot from 2021-09-14 17-31-21

I am sure that my tensroflow and keras version are 2.0.0 and 2.3.1 . And I am sure that the value of .npz file is between -1 and 1. But I will still got the same problem.


Your problem is a classic case of gradient explosion. There are tons of github issues/stackexchange discussion on this.

  1. keras-team/keras#2134
  2. keras-team/keras#1244

Most of them mention the dataset being normalized (-1.0 to 1.0 in our case) properly and made into float values.

Can you mention which Data-set you used DRIVE, CHASE or STARE. Also, can you provide the .npz file as bitbucket, dropbox or drive link here ? I want to try it on my code.


I use DRIVE dataset,but the .npz is large.
Could you Email me? I will Email the .npz file.
My Email is
Thanks very much.

If you can not download from:
the code is :driv ,please email me

Please use this npz file and train using the python file given in the repository. Also post the results here.


Thanks very much.
It's better if you can link the original DRIVE data images.
I want to known why we got this problem.

It's already given in the Readme.MD file.