SeyZ / jsonapi-serializer

A Node.js framework agnostic library for (de)serializing your data to JSON API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support has died. See description.

jun-sheaf opened this issue · comments

So support for these kind of serialization libraries has died down quite a bit. Moreover, all of them fail to serialize the entire spec...

So over the past few days I've designed a resource-recursive, typescript/javascript library for serializing the entire JSON:API spec. Our API is far more fluent (and obvious) than the one here (and every other serializer I have seen/used). If this serializer doesn't fit your need, you might want to check it out :) Development is active.

If you are in particular struggling with issues such as links, resource relationships, and deep recursion (essentially any of the complicated parts of the JSON:API spec), I *strongly recommend moving to our library.


@jun-sheaf at first glance your library seems interesting. Just be aware the licence you are using may prevent adoption by commercial software companies.

@saulotoledo Perhaps the "disclose source" part may be disadvantageous. I've weakened the license to the standard Apache 2.0 license.