SeyZ / jsonapi-serializer

A Node.js framework agnostic library for (de)serializing your data to JSON API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using on React

jonatasdaniel opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to use the lib on React with
const JSONAPIDeserializer = require('jsonapi-serializer').Deserializer;
and then

but I'm getting
./node_modules/jsonapi-serializer/index.js Module not found:

I'm adding the library with yarn add jsonapi-serializer.

What am I doing wrong?

hey @jonatasdaniel in your React project you could import this library using the ES Module import syntax:

So for the example above you might do:
import { Deserializer } from 'jsonapi-serializer';

Hope that helps!


@sepowitz this does not work, FYI :)


you can use import instead of require and the library should work just fine.

if anyone is still wondering about this, I made a small demo you may all refer to.
