ServiceNow / BrowserGym

BrowserGym, a gym environment for web task automation in the Chromium browser.

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Unable to Run the Demo Mode

sivakumar-sneha opened this issue · comments


How can i fix this? When trying to run the demo agent am running into this issue. running it on M1 Mac.

was able to solve by manually installing each of the packages in requirements.txt

Hi, i was trying to run the and im having this error.
any idea why ?

(demo-agent) nidal@pop-os:~/AI/browsergym/BrowserGym/demo_agent$ python3 --task_name openended --start_url
None of PyTorch, TensorFlow >= 2.0, or Flax have been found. Models won't be available and only tokenizers, configuration and file/data utilities can be used.
WARNING this demo agent will soon be moved elsewhere. Expect it to be removed at some point.

@haddadnidal That one's not an error. It's just a warning and it's okay because BrowserGym doesn't use any of those models. If nothing happens after that message is printed though, chances are you either didn't install Playwright drivers or didn't set OpenAI API key. After installing the pip requirements, run playwright install, and make sure you have your API key export OPENAI_API_KEY=... and try running the demo again.

Alternatively (and more methodically), see the logs in results/<experiment name>/experiment.log. BrowserGym handles all errors using Python logger which is configured to write in that file.