SergeyTsalkov / meekrodb

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DB::$dbName not considered if set after query is made

wadih opened this issue · comments


I have a script that sets DB::$dbName later in the script, as the database might not exist at the beginning of the script, and start existing mid-way in the script.

But if I use DB::query() while DB::$dbName was not yet set for non-database queries like "show databases", and later set DB::$dbName, it is not considered and the "No database selected" exception is thrown.

For example this works:

DB::$user = "my_user";
DB::$dbName = 'my_database';
print_r(DB::query("show tables;"));

But this throws an exception:

DB::$user = "my_user";
print_r(DB::query("show databases;"));
DB::$dbName = 'my_database';
print_r(DB::query("show tables;"));

The exception thrown is:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught MeekroDBException: No database selected

I can solve it by manually querying "use my_database":

DB::$user = "my_user";
DB::query("show databases;");
DB::query("use my_database");
print_r(DB::query("show tables;"));

So for DB::$dbName to work, it has to be called before any other query is made with DB.

I disabled opcache.enable_cli as I'm running this on command line, but looks like it's not related to opcache.

I can manually fix it by doing DB::query("use my_database");

Not sure if this was the desired behavior, so I am reporting it.

So DB::$dbName is just like the other connection variables such as DB::$user -- they're used to establish the connection and then ignored afterwards. So for example, if you change DB::$user after you're connected then it won't re-connect with the new user.

If you want to change the database after connecting, you should use DB::useDB("database"). If you're not sure whether you've already connected or not, just use DB::useDB() anyway. Since it just runs a query for you, it'll connect if you're not already connected.

I'll update the documentation to be more clear about this, then close this.