SergeyMakeev / cinclude2dot2

A Python 3-based C/C++ dependency graph generator for the dot format.

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cinclude2dot2 - C/C++ dependency graph generator Python script

cinclude2dot2 is intended to be an original, clean-house, remaking and "remastering" of the Perl-based (cinclude2dot)[] tool.

Using cinclude2dot requires using Python. This script was developed using Python 2.7 and 3.3, and should be compatible with both.

cinclude2dot2 uses a JSON configuration file, which, by convention, is named config.cinclude2dot2. In this file, you may:

  • Specify nodes to cluster based on Python regular expressions
  • Search for and style nodes based on Python regular expressions

cinclude2dot2 also uses the Python argparse module in order to provide a full-featured command line interface.

Using cinclude2dot2

To use, download the script and its config.cinclude2dot2 JSON configuration file to the root directory that you wish to create a graph of. Then, run:


This will produce a file named by default. To emit .dot output to stdout, instead call:

python -O

or, instead, to output to a certain file name in the current directory:

python -o FILENAME

To set the root directory of focus to antoher directory, use:

python -Irelative/path/to/file

To recursively search the root directory and its folders for C/C++ files to analyze, use:

python -r

To only allow certain files with certain suffixes to be analyzed, use:

python --suffix .ONE .TWO .THREE

To use another JSON configuration file, use:

python --config CONFIG_FILENAME

The config.cinclude2dot2 Configuration File:

The JSON configuration file should consist of a single JSON object, with 5 possible different top-level pair labels:

node, edge, graph

These correspond to the node[], edge[], graph[] settings as seen in the dot file.


These cluster filenames that match the regex into a node cluster.


This command will apply a style to nodes that match the regex. Tags besides "regex" will be applied.


A Python 3-based C/C++ dependency graph generator for the dot format.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%