Sergaav / nhbfiudy-task3

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Practical task #3


(1) the names of the classes and methods are specified;

(2) the names of the files with input data are specified;

(3) In case it’s not specifically indicated, input data can contain Cyrillic letters (letters of the Russian and Ukrainian alphabets) wherever;


If the application reads data from a file, it’s necessary to specify the same encoding using which the data is stored.

Use UTF-8/Cp1251 encoding, refer to the example ‘How to get the input data’ at the end of the text.

Each ‘PartX’ class should have ‘main’ method that demonstrates the functionality of the corresponding subtask.

In the root package create Demo class that demonstrates the actions of all the written functionality.

Task 1

Class name:

The input data should be uploaded from the "part1.txt" file

The task should be resolved using regular expressions without using container classes.

Define a class with static methods that convert input data to output data.

As the input data, use a text of the following structure (the values of Login/Name/Email, in fact, can be random); Login and Name can contain both Cyrillic and Latin letters):

Input data (part1.txt)


ivanov;Ivan Ivanov;

петров;Петр Петров;

obama;Barack Obama;

bush;Джордж Буш;

The methods that you need to write have the following structure (N is a digit: 1, 2, 3, 4):

public static String convertN(String input) {



1.1. The method "convert1"

It should convert input data to a string of the following type:

Output of convert1





1.2. The method "convert2"

It should convert input data to a string of the following type:

Output of convert2

Ivanov Ivan (email:

Петров Петр (email:

Obama Barack (email:

Буш Джордж (email:

1.3. The method "convert3"

It should convert input data to a string of the following type (email domain ===> a list of the logins separated with a comma of those users whose emails are registered based on this domain):

Output of convert3 ==> ivanov, bush ==> петров, obama

1.4. The method "convert4"

It should convert input data to a string of the following type (Password column should be added, the password itself should contain exactly 4 digits that are generated randomly):

Output of convert4


ivanov;Ivan Ivanov;;1707

петров;Петр Петров;;9321

obama;Barack Obama;;4623

bush;Джордж Буш;;7514

Task 2

Class name:

The input data should be uploaded from the "part2.txt" file

The task should be resolved using regular expressions without using container classes.

Input: text (it can contain both Cyrillic and Latin letters).

Output: words of the minimum length and the maximum length in the format specified below (in the singular, minding the order of their occurrence in the text and considering the character case).

A "word" should be considered a sequence of characters containing letters only.

Create a static method "convert" that converts the input to the output.

Stub of the method:

public static String convert(String input) {



Example of the Input data (part2.txt)

When I was younger, so much younger than today

I never needed anybody's help in any way

But now these days are gone, I'm not so self-assured

Now I find I've changed my mind

I've opened up the doors

Example of the Output

Min: I, s, m

Max: younger, anybody, assured, changed

Task 3

Class name:

The input data should be uploaded from the "part3.txt" file

The task should be resolved using regular expressions without using container classes.

Input: text (it can contain both Cyrillic and Latin letters).

Output: the original text, but the case of the first character of each word, that consists of three or more characters, should be inverted.

A "word" should be considered a sequence of characters containing letters only (all the other characters are not considered to be part of a word).

Create a static method "convert" that converts input to output.

Stub of the method:

public static String convert(String input) {



Example of Input data

When I was younger

I never needed

Example of the Output

when I Was Younger

I Never Needed

Task 4

Class name:

For data hashing (for example, passwords) it is used a method named MessageDigest#digest that returns hash as a byte array.

An example of password hashing using MD5 hashing algorithm (other algorithms - SHA-256; SHA-512, etc.).


import java.util.Arrays;

public class HashExample {

public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {         

    MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");         

    digest.update("password to hash".getBytes());         

    byte[] hash = digest.digest();         


    // output: [56, 55, 83, 50, 113, -114, -54, 115, -125, 86, 79, -109, 17, -65, 107, 84]     



Write a static method ‘hash’ that accepts two parameters:

(1) a string, the hash of which we need to obtain;

(2) the name of the hashing algorithm.

The output should be a string consisting of hexadecimal digits: each byte corresponds to two hexadecimal digits.

For example, in case an element of a byte array equals to -29, then in binary expansion it has "1110_0011" format and corresponds to a couple of E3.

Stub of the class Part4



public class Part4 {

public static String hash(String input, String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {       

    // place yhour code here         

    return null;


public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {

    System.out.println(hash("password", "SHA-256"));

    System.out.println(hash("passwort", "SHA-256"));



If the code of the method Part4.main is the following:

System.out.println(hash("asdf", "MD5"));

System.out.println(hash("asdf", "SHA-256"));

then the result should be the following:



Task 5

Class name:

Create a class with two static methods that convert data from the decimal system to the Roman number system and vice versa.

public static String decimal2Roman(int x) { ... }

public static int roman2Decimal(String s) { ... }

The operational range of the methods - from 1 to 100 inclusive.

Do not use container classes.

Demonstrate the methods functionality in the following way:

DECIMAL -decimal2Roman-> ROMAN -roman2Decimal-> DECIMAL

1 --> I --> 1

2 --> II --> 2

3 --> III --> 3

4 --> IV --> 4

5 --> V --> 5


94 --> XCIV --> 94

95 --> XCV --> 95

96 --> XCVI --> 96

97 --> XCVII --> 97

98 --> XCVIII --> 98

99 --> XCIX --> 99

100 --> C --> 100

Consider an algorithm and create a program.

Brute-force is not allowed!

A solution using an array (a container) that contains 100 elements should not be considered:

String[] numbers = {"I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", ..., "XCV", "XCVI", "XCVII", ..., "C"}

Task 6

Class name:

The input data should be uploaded from the "part6.txt" file

The task should be resolved using regular expressions without using container classes.

Input: text (it can contain both Cyrillic and Latin letters, but it does not contain _).

Output: the original text, but all the recurring words should be preceded by underscore _

A "word" should be considered a sequence of characters containing letters only (all the other characters are not part of a word).

Create a static "convert" method that converts the input to the output.

Stub of the method

public static String convert(String input) {



Example of the Input data

This is a test

And this is also a test

And these are also tests

test Это тест

Это также тест

И это также тесты

Example of the Output

This _is _a _test

_And this _is _also _a _test

_And these are _also tests


_Это _тест

_Это _также _тест

И это _также тесты

How to get the input data (the file should be placed in the root of the project, the file encoding - Ср1251)



import java.nio.file.*;

public class Util {

private static final String ENCODING = "Cp1251"; //you can change it to UTF-8

public static String readFile(String path) {

    String res = null;

    try {

        byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path));

        res = new String(bytes, ENCODING);

    } catch (IOException ex) {



    return res;


public static void main(String[] args) {






Language:Java 66.6%Language:Shell 33.4%