SerenityOS / jakt

The Jakt Programming Language

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error when chaining String split and contains

michaelowens opened this issue · comments

The following fails to build:

// error: no member named 'contains' in 'AK::Vector<AK::DeprecatedString, 0>'
// ((((Jakt::DeprecatedString("test string"sv)).split(' '))).contains(Jakt::DeprecatedString("string"sv)));
fn main() {
    "test string".split(c' ').contains("string")

Storing it in a variable first works as expected:

fn main() {
    let words = "test string".split(c' ')

Yeah that's a...bad problem...
Right now we're pretending that the signature of .split() is:

fn split(this, anon c: c_char) throws -> [String]

but it's actually

fn split(this, anon c: c_char) throws -> AK::Vector<String>

the variable thing works because there's a DynamicArray<T>(Vector<T>) constructor.