Serasidis / STM32_HID_Bootloader

Driverless USB HID bootloader and flashing tool for STM32F10X devices

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Maple Mini board not connected?

dbhaig opened this issue · comments

I am running Ubuntu Linux

I have loaded the hid_maple_mini.bin onto my maple mini clone board, following the procedure describe here:

When I plug in the board,

lsusb returns: ID 1209:beba InterBiometrics

ls /dev/ttyUSB* returns nothing

When I try to upload a sketch using the Arduino IDE I get the following messages:

error, counldn't open [/dev/ttyUSB0]

| HID-Flash v2.2.1 - STM32 HID Bootloader Flash Tool |
| (c) 2018 - Bruno Freitas |
| (c) 2018-2019 - Vassilis Serasidis |
| Customized for STM32duino ecosystem |

Trying to open the [ttyUSB0]...
Unable to open the [ttyUSB0]
Searching for [1209:BEBA] device...

[1209:BEBA] device is found !
Sending command...
the selected serial port > Sending command...
does not exist or your board is not connected

What am I missing?

Which version of STM32 core did you install?
I had a negative experience with 1.9 and 2.2.2. maybe you give 1.8 a try.

I am using 1.9.0. I will give 1.8.0 a try.
