SerCeMan / jnr-fuse

FUSE implementation in Java using Java Native Runtime (JNR)

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Path Problem with Windows

utrucceh opened this issue · comments


This app working with linux when cp command but not working in windows 10

I tested with "J:" and direct directory named as "input"
Usually problem with path when copying files
I test it with different versions of winfsp (winfsp-1.1.17164, winfsp-1.2.17341, winfsp-1.4.19049, winfsp-2.0.23075)


I tested with it, that image captured with that encoding

Path string coming rightly, but with extra texts

When you say app, do you refer to one of the existing examples, or an application that you're building?

I mean original application with ru.serce.jnrfuse.examples.MemoryFS class which every method has System.out.printf("%s (%s)\r\n%n", path,path.length());

The copied file's name is just "asdf.msi" for test