Sentdex / pygta5

Explorations of Using Python to play Grand Theft Auto 5.

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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.contrib'

mHamzaArain opened this issue · comments

i have tried several times with tensorflow = 2.0.1 which throws error No module named 'tensorflow.contrib' when i installed tf=<1.1.5 i raised error no AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'compat'

install tensorflow 1.15

@Disty0 i found solution that i have installed tensorflow 1.4.0rc1 which is compatible with tflearn 0.3.2(having 3d convolutional layer) in python 3.5 (or you can use 3.6) with it.
But i want to work with newer version of tensorflow as speed and efficiency does matter and i have used contrib code but still raise many errors

I switched to Keras for same reason. I am using InceptionV3 model for keras and modified the training code. It seems to work fine for now.

@Disty0 can you share your code

This is the code i use:

#Modified code of Sentex Pygta5 2.

import numpy as np
import cv2
import time
import os
import pandas as pd
from collections import deque
from random import shuffle
import pickle

import tensorflow as tf
physical_devices = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')

#os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "plaidml.keras.backend"

from keras import Input
from keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3
from keras.callbacks import TensorBoard
from keras.models import load_model

BATCH = 16

balanced_train_path = 'balanced_train_data/'

FILE_I_END = -1 #-1 for auto detect #Note: starting file is training_data-0.npy not training_data-1.npy

WIDTH = 480
HEIGHT = 270
EPOCHS = 1000000000 #i am too lazy to put it on while true

MODEL_NAME = 'ETS2_RAI-{}'.format('InceptionV3')


if FILE_I_END == -1:
    FILE_I_END = 0
    while True:
        file_name = balanced_train_path + 'training_data-{}.npy'.format(FILE_I_END)

        if os.path.isfile(file_name):
            print('File exists: ',FILE_I_END)
            FILE_I_END += 1
            FILE_I_END -= 1
            print('Final File: ',FILE_I_END) 

input_tensor = Input(shape=(WIDTH,HEIGHT,3))
model = InceptionV3(include_top=True, input_tensor=input_tensor , pooling='max', classes=9, weights=None)
model.compile('Adagrad', 'categorical_crossentropy')

tensorboard = TensorBoard(
    log_dir='logs', histogram_freq=0, write_graph=True, write_images=True,
    update_freq='epoch', profile_batch=2, embeddings_freq=0,

    model = load_model(MODEL_NAME)
    print('We have loaded a previous model!')
# iterates through the training files
for e in range(EPOCHS):
    data_order = [i for i in range(0,FILE_I_END+1)]
    for count,i in enumerate(data_order):
            file_name = balanced_train_path + 'training_data-{}.npy'.format(i)
            # full file info
            train_data = np.load(file_name, allow_pickle=True)

            SAMPLE = len(train_data)
            print('training_data-{}.npy - Sample Size: {} - Batch Size: {}'.format(i,SAMPLE,BATCH))
            X = np.array([i[0] for i in train_data])#.reshape(-1,WIDTH,HEIGHT,3) #Pre reshaped at recording
            Y = np.array([i[1] for i in train_data])
            print("Epochs: {} - Steps: {}".format(e, count))
  , Y, batch_size=BATCH ,epochs=1, validation_split=0.02) #, callbacks=[tensorboard])

            if count%5 == 0 and count != 0:
                print('SAVING MODEL!')
        except Exception as e:

print("FINISHED {} EPOCHS!".format(EPOCHS))

I just created a new model that works with tensorflow 2. For example, there is no error with like a basic CNN, or even xception
