Sense-GVT / DeCLIP

Supervision Exists Everywhere: A Data Efficient Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training Paradigm

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Filip & DeFILIP? :)

christophschuhmann opened this issue · comments

Hi, I just realized that you have Filip and DeFilip implementations, very interesting.

Do you already have results How they compare with Clip and DeCLIP?
With respect benchmark scores and compute efficiency? :)

May I also ask about the details of the hardware you used for training?

… And - do you have code for multinode training?

We will publish a technical report on arxiv within two weeks and the result and checkpoints will be released in the same time.

The code has already supported multi-node training, but the ddp framework is being debugged.

Any update as to when FILIP weights may be released?

The FILIP and DeFILIP weights are released new.