Sense-GVT / DeCLIP

Supervision Exists Everywhere: A Data Efficient Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training Paradigm

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Mismatched YFCC15M URL set compared to OpenAI's subset

vishaal27 opened this issue · comments


Thanks for the great work.

I noted that the 15M subset of YFCC you use is significantly different from the subset that OpenAI uses and the Quality not Quantity paper uses. To compare the proportion of matching samples, I just did a quick test and saw that the overall stats for the three datasets are:

declip json: 15,388,848 samples
quality-not-quantity csv: 14,825,236 samples
open-ai csv: 14,829,396 samples

The difference between the quality-not-quantity and openai csvs can simply be attributed to link rot.

Further, when I take an intersection between your photo-ids and the photo-ids used by OpenAI / Quality not Quantity:

declip intersection with openai: 6,642,077 matches
declip intersection with quality-not-quantity: 6,640,264 matches

It is interesting that there are still so many matches (~40%). I just wanted to add this information here since I found it quite hard to figure out the exact differences and intersections between the different YFCC subsets. So in-case people are trying to use YFCC15M subsets based on the OpenAI-CLIP subsets, this is useful to keep in mind that the DeCLIP subset is substantially different. This is also mentioned in the DeCLIP paper, appendix F and table 8.