Sengxian / BaiduLibrary

A simple baidu tieba libarary, easy to use and Dama2 connected.

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user.get_likes() throw an ERROR

jiangzc opened this issue · comments

the method "user.get_likes()" throw an error: "requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects"
I checked the url ""
The results are listed below
qq 20161215193654

pull request : fixed the BUG


There are only 3 redirections in my Browser, however, the method throw an error: "requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects".
I disabled auto-redirect of requests.Session.get() and surprisedly found the redirections are in a LOOP!
A => B => C => A
Then I consulted some information on Baidu Tieba. Someone says a field named "STOKEN" caused the problem. But why my Browser works well while my program are trapped in a LOOP ?
After a careful consideration, I got the answer. It seems that requests Lib redirects first rather than Set-Cookie. As a result of missing "STOKEN", Baidu leads the program to get Cookie by redirection endlessly.


Disable auto-redirect and get "Location" field of each Respond. After 2 Responds, you can get "STOKEN".