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[bug] Wrong SyslogFormatter priority in some cases

dkarlovi opened this issue · comments

Monolog version 3.4.0

Using the SyslogFormatter (not SyslogHandler), it seems the priorities are messed up in some way. I've gotten these lines

<15>1 2023-07-03T10:10:59.609863+00:00 d21c8cede87b - 10 doctrine - DEBUG: Executing query: SELECT * FROM doctrine_migration_versions {"sql":"SELECT * FROM doctrine_migration_versions"} 
<15>1 2023-07-03T10:10:59.610462+00:00 d21c8cede87b - 10 doctrine - DEBUG: Executing query: SELECT DATABASE() {"sql":"SELECT DATABASE()"} 
<14>1 2023-07-03T10:10:59.625648+00:00 d21c8cede87b - 10 doctrine - INFO: Disconnecting
<14>1 2023-07-03T10:10:59.643189+00:00 d21c8cede87b - 9 request - INFO: Matched route "_wdt". {"route":"_wdt","route_parameters":{"_route":"_wdt","_controller":"web_profiler.controller.profiler::toolbarAction","token":"415bdb"},"request_uri":"https://example.local/_wdt/415bdb","method":"GET"} 

Notice the (syslog) priority is always 10, for either INFO or DEBUG, but then I also get 9 for INFO? 🤔

If I use lnav and set the command :set-min-log-level info, I get both INFO and DEBUG. Seems the syslog priority calculation is off in some way?

Nevermind, this is the proc ID, the priority is leading. 🙈