Seithan / EasyNextionLibrary

A simple library for Nextion display that uses only four functions. You can easily benefit from Nextion's wide range of features and advantages in just a few easy steps. The library uses a custom protocol that can prove to be a powerful tool for advanced users as it can be easily modified to meet one’s needs.

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Invalid reading from Nextion

s56jsc opened this issue · comments


I try to read data from display. If I'm on main page0 it work OK
xx = myNex.readNumber("popravi_prog.n11m.val"); Serial.println(xx);
but if I'm on some other page I got an "xxx" number.
n11m is mark as global. Also in nextion debuger work OK.

Use writeStr() to change the text of a String variable.
Example: myNex.writeStr("va0.txt", "Hello World"); For this to happen, the variables you want to read/write must be at the page you are currently on.
Otherwise, if the variables are of global scope, you will need to use a prefix with the page name that the variables are at.
myNex.readNumber("page0.va0.val"); // If the variable is at page0
The same goes for the other functions as well.

If it works fine on nextion debuger, use a common ground between Arduino and Nextion display.
Pay attention on that Serial.println(xx); command is not using the same Serial with Nextion.


Thanks for your replay.
I'm using same ground and communication works. Also I use serial1 for nextion so this cannot be problem.
But like I say it doesn't works.
If I'm on main screen (page0) I got correct response, but if I'm on some other page (non page1, page2, ...) it doesn't work. I got value 255
On naxtion debugger it work OK I got always correct number no mater from which page I call this function.

try to use standard prefix for Nextion attributes (page name, object name) like page0 instead of popravi_prog and n11 for n11m


Strange, but now works!